Sunday, January 18, 2009

The journey continues...

The journey continues... to be full of joy!

I've lost 2.1lbs in the first week and I'm anticipating another good week when I way in on Tuesday.

In addition to my five workouts a week, I've been dancing up a storm; I started back to my salsa dance classes on Saturdays and managed to get out dancing at the Commercial each weekend. Toss those hips around plus an hour and half of Latin rhythms each week certainly burns some calories! I received some lovely compliments from my instructor and my classmates which make me feel sooooo good right down to my cute dancing shoes!

Another perk has been that Naomi has taken to coming to the gym with me each weekday morning. 5:45am is early for most people but for a night owl teenager I am very proud indeed!!! And she is kicking it at the gym - what a great motivator for me.

Each of you in your own way has been such an encouragement to me as I embark on this journey. I know that there are going to be struggles and celebrations, laughter and tears...thanks for joining me!

Got to run for now, whoot! whoot!

Shot for the moon!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

a journey of a thousand steps...

a journey of a thousand steps...
...or several pounds, begins with a single step.

I have arrived in the year 2009 with a clear sense of "this is my time"; my time to begin living my best life now!

I had a difficult time through 2007 & 2008; suffering to the point of needing to take time off from work due to exhaustion and stress overload!

I spent from Oct 25, 2008 to this point at January 4th, 2009 "recovering" myself. I have tried everything from acupuncture to meds to calm my body, my mind, and my spirit. I have had to rediscover what feeds my soul and this is what I have discovered thus far - I am still a sexy, hot momma with lots of mojo left in the tank!!

I have returned from a refreshing trip to Vancouver with a drive and a determination to take my nutrition in hand (to get back to fit), return to dancing (to fuel my "fun" tank), and to learn more about the word "NO" and its varied applications.

I no longer want to deplete myself in order that others may succeed - I wish to succeed so that others may benefit!

I no longer want to struggle to live - I want to LIVE in spite of struggle!

I want to discover my best life. A life that is full of love, laughter, and fun.

Will you join me?